About Us
The staff at braddurack.com knows what it takes to get jobs done. We believe in nothing else than perfection and each one of our seasoned experts from various marketing, design and development fields work closely together to deliver excellent websites that make money for you. We strive for our valued client relationships and delivering more than what is expected.


We know that excellent website design is the foundation of your online business and all other marketing. Any other marketing is complimented and enhanced by the expertise of the web design as a good website backs up many marketing techniques. Take a look at a few of the hundreds of website we have done in the past and decide for yourself.
Braddurack.com’s first client ever was none other than Earth-Bound.co.za a leather and wood specialist with a large collection of leather goods and exotic woods. Taking their idea and putting it on an incredibly well designed website displaying their woods and products in a way that will mean business was our first challenge. Today we are proud to be associated with the large brand they have become and continue to work closely with them.
After the success we had with numerous non-profit organizations including the ASPCA we continued reaching higher heights and since then have we completed stunning websites in the Technology, retail, Leisure, Industrial, Food and Drink, Corporate, Construction and Automotive industries to name a few industries.